There are 121 Comuni or Municipalities in the Vicenza Province. The Comune di Vicenza is the Provincial Capital. It’s the second-largest municipality area and the one with more citizens: about 113,000.
Fractions or frazioni are: Anconetta, Ospedaletto, Polegge, Bertesina, Bertesinella, Setteca’, Casale, San Pietro Intrigogna, Campedello, Lòngara, Santa Croce Bigolina, Tormeno, Debba, Ponte Alto, Olmo di Vicenza, Maddalene, Sant’Agostino.

The Town Hall is located in Corso A. Palladio 98, 36100 Vicenza – Phone number: 044.422.1111

Postal code: 36100
Dialing code: 0444
Demonym(s) or Inhabitants name: vicentini
Patron Saint: Madonna of Monte Berico
Saint Day: 8 September (Public Holiday just for the Municipality area)

 Palladio Mall (soon)



From the point of view of the administrative organization Vicenza is institutionally a Municipality whose organs are the Mayor—Mr. Achille Variati, the Municipal Committee, and the City Council. The main venue is the “Palazzo Trissino”, situates in Corso Palladio.

Operatively, the municipality is structured into departments that provide technical and administrative services targeted to individuals and to businesses. The Environment is in charge of the direct management of the water resources and with the Civil protection Department face the emergencies resulting from natural and man-critical events related to water.

The Municipality structure is also composed by a European policies office, which is in charge of general coordination of the ongoing funded projects.
The Vicenza Town Hall official web site for the moment is only in Italian. You can surf through it directly or use the following links:
For personal identity and various certificates

For tourists in the section

Listed below are more addresses outside our site that you may find useful


Many Italian towns and small cities have a Pro Loco, a civic membership association of volunteers that works with schools, local businesses and institutions in order to project ways to enhance the town and provide assistance to visitors. To achieve this they also organize various types of events.

Viale Della Pace 87 – 36100 VICENZA
Tel. 0444 300 708 – Fax 0444 300 708
mail: [email protected][email protected]



Vicenza Life Tips

All you need to know to make your life in Vicenza easier (…)


Comune di Vicenza, corso Palladio, centralino tel. 0444221111, Urp tel. 0444221360 [email protected]
AIM, contra’ Pedemuro San Biagio 72, centralino tel. 0444394911; numero verde 800086226
Archivio di Stato, Borgo Casale 91, tel. 0444510827
Azienda Promozione Turistica, piazza Matteotti 12, tel. 0444320854, fax 0444327072
Biblioteca Bertoliana, contra’ Riale 13, tel. 0444578211
Canile di Gogna, via Mantovani 41, tel. 0444544224 e 3401820436
Carabinieri, via Muggia 2, tel. 04442031
Carcere (Casa circondariale), via Basilio della Scola 150, tel. 0444513790
CARITAS, via Torretti 38, tel. 0444304986
Centro Antiviolenza, via Torino 11, tel. 0444230402
Centro servizi per il volontariato, contra’ Mure S. Rocco 37/A, email: [email protected]
Enel tel. 800900860
Enpa, stradella Retrone 11, tel. 0444542427
FTV Ferrovie Tramvie, sede legale in viale Milano 138, centralino tel. 0444223111; ufficio informazioni tel. 0444223115
Guardia di Finanza, contra’ San Tommaso 17, tel. 0444324042
Informagiovani, via Levà degli Angeli 7, tel. 0444222045
Ospedale, Ufficio Relazioni con il Pubblico, tel. 0444753535
Ospedale, viale Rodolfi Ferdinando 37, centralino tel. 0444753111
Polizia Postale, contra’ Santa Maria Nova 4, tel. 0444338511
Polizia Stradale, contra’ S. Maria Nova 4, tel. 0444393711
Poste e telecomunicazioni, ufficio centrale, piazza Garibaldi 1, tel. 0444544449
Prefettura, contra’ Gazzolle 6/10, centralino tel. 0444338411, fax 0444338491
Procura della Repubblica, via Gallo 24, tel. 0444398111
Provincia di Vicenza, Palazzo Godi, contra’ Gazzolle, centralino tel. 0444908111
Centro servizi amministrativi (ex Provveditorato agli studi), Borgo Scroffa 2, tel. 0444251111
Questura, viale Mazzini 213, centralino tel. 0444337511, tel. Urp 0444337763
Regione Veneto, Urp contra’ Mure San Rocco 51, tel. 0444337985, fax 0444337988
S.E.T.A.F., Caserma Ederle, viale della Pace 193, tel. 0444302555, tel. 0444202000
Stadio Menti sede Vicenza Calcio, via Schio 21, tel. 0444505044
Teatro comunale, viale Mazzini 39, tel. 0444327393
Telefono Azzurro, Emergenza infanzia tel. 114
Minori scomparsi tel. 116000
Sostegno tel. 196196
Tribunale, sede di contra’ santa Corona 26, tel. 0444398111, sede di via E. Gallo 24, tel. 0444398111
Vigili del fuoco, centralino tel. 0444565022
Aim AMCPS, viale Sant’Agostino 152, tel. 0444955500


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