The “Presepio Vivente” Christmas living nativity scene

The “Presepe” or “Presepio” is truly a piece of Italy’s tradition and heritage as well as the “Presepio Vivente” living nativity scene. The Christmas re-enactment takes to the streets with human performers costumed as Joseph and Mary, the Magi, the shepherds, artisans and more. Recreating the entire village of times gone. Many Southern Italian town has […]

December 13th – Santa Lucia’s Day and the city of Verona

Lucia of Syracuse (283–304), also known as Saint Lucy, or Saint Lucia (Italian: Santa Lucia), was a young Christian martyr who died during the Diocletianic Persecution. In medieval accounts, Saint Lucy’s eyes are gouged out prior to her execution. She is the patroness of Syracuse in Sicily, Italy, celebrated on December the 13th, Saint Lucy’s […]

