Below please find a list of businesses, services, companies and professionals located in the Vicenza area looking forward to serving American customers.

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Magnificent Dominican Church. The Gothic interiors house many important sculptural works and paintings, including Giovanni Bellini’s masterpiece “The Baptism of Christ”, the Valmarana Chapel by Andrea Palladio and works by Bartolomeo Montagna, Paolo…

“Il Tritone” – Cultural Association was born in the year 2000 to promote Vicenza city and its territory (like Asiago, Bassano del Grappa, Schio, Thiene, Costozza di Longare, Arcugnano, Grisignano di Zocco, Marostica) by planning and managing…

The Vicenza’s Renaissance villa by Andrea Palladio.

Andrea Palladio’s last work and masterpiece, the Olympic Theatre is the first example of a fully indoor ancient Greek seating style theater.

The train station is located on the southern part of the town, at the end of Viale Roma. The old town is 5-minute walk from the station. It forms part of the Milan–Venice railway. It is also a junction of two branch lines, to Schio and Treviso,…